小区吧首页 / 成语造句/蒲柳之姿造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月03日 14:57
1. The willow tree stood gracefully like a swaying feather in the soft wind.
2. The image of the willow tree was so graceful that it impressed me deeply.
3. The willow tree showed its beauty with its long and slender figure.
4. From the swaying branches of the willow, the calm vibes spread through the air.
5. The willow tree's figure was just like a beautiful painting in my eyes.
6. She was as graceful as the willow tree in her movements.
7. I felt a peaceful atmosphere watching the willow tree's gesture from a distance.
8. The willow tree's slender figure created a mesmerizing scene in the park.
