小区吧首页 / 成语造句/鬼哭粟飞造句


来源:小区生活吧更新时间:05月06日 12:15
1. The ghost wailed and the millet flew in the air.
2. The ghost gave a sorrowful cry as the millet scattered about.
3. His spirit was so moved that he burst into tears, and the grains of millet flew everywhere.
4. Suddenly, his cries filled the air and grains of millet swirled about him.
5. Tears streamed from his eyes and the millet rose from the ground.
6. The sorrowful shrieks of the ghost set the millet afloat.
7. His grief was unbounded and the millet scattered in all directions.
8. The sound of his wailing conveyed desolation and the millet flew up in despair.
